4 Reasons a Mold Inspection is Necessary When Buying a Home

When buying a home, you might be surprised to learn about the importance of having a mold inspection performed before finalizing the transaction.  Unfortunately, many first-time homebuyers are somewhat naïve and assume that the home inspection covers anything and everything they need to be concerned with.  Unfortunately, this is not the case.  Mold inspections involve an extensive examination of the home someone is about to buy and often uncovers issues that can cost a lot of money in the long run.

The following is a list of the 5 reasons every prospective home buyer should have a mold inspection performed, even if a home inspection has already been completed:

  • Mold inspections are best performed by trained professionals – home inspectors focus on a home’s mechanical systems and structure.  They’re not trained to search for mold growth.  Unless you’re an experienced, professional mold inspector, mold can be extremely difficult to detect.  It’s not unusual for a clean home to pass an inspection despite the presence of mold.

  • Mold inspections go beyond mold – mold inspections start at the foundation and go through the entire home up to and including the attic.  Everything in between is examined thoroughly including the mechanical systems and structural components.  In many instances, structural issues will be found in addition to any mold and will be listed in the inspector’s detailed report.

  •  Mold inspections provide corrective and preventative measures – mold inspections focus on solutions whereas home inspections just report findings.  The goal of a mold inspector is to inform the home buyer and seller of any potential issues that could arise and provide the exact corrective and preventative measures to avoid the problem.

  • Mold is often accompanied by water damage – moisture is required for the growth of mold.  Consequently, when mold is present, this usually means that excess moisture is as well.  When a mold inspector finds mold, it’s typically attributed to a drainage issue, humidity, or water leak.  In most cases, mold is indicative of a much more serious issue.

Many mold inspectors work with individuals who are already living in their new homes and have recently discovered a mold problem.  In many cases, it was missed during the home inspection.  Mold is not their area of expertise, nor is it something that they’ve been trained to look for.  That is why you need the experts to detect even the slightest hint of mold infestation and eliminate it.

To ensure that your home is being properly inspected for mold by a trained professional, call Clark Contract Inspection at (309) 489-7224 today for further information.

Anthony Clark