Home Inspections Boardman

At Clark Contract Inspection, we believe that a family’s home is their sanctuary, their safe haven.  It is the one place where you and your loved ones should always feel safe and secure.  The purchase of a home is the biggest and most important investment that you will make in your lifetime.  So, it stands to reason that you would want to ensure that the home you’re considering is in habitable condition and free of any structural or system defects that could equate to costly repair bills in the future.

Prior to purchasing a home, you should always have a professional home inspector conduct a visual examination of the entire structure and its systems.  Basically, getting a home inspection in Boardman, OH is like taking your home to the doctor for a check-up and a physical.  At that point, if any problems are found, you can determine whether you want to continue with the purchase or walk away and keep searching.  At Clark Contract Inspection, we are committed to providing a detailed, thorough home inspection.

Inspection Services

Every home is subject to the effects of aging over time or wear and tear so to speak.  As a result, we believe that a home inspection is the best way to inform buyers or sellers about the condition of a home before buying or selling it.  Home inspection services in Boardman, OH are also designed to educate buyers and sellers about existing problems and recommend relevant solutions that could help when buying or selling a home.  All home inspections are priced based on a home’s age, location, and size.

In addition to this, Clark Contract Inspection includes a mold testing in Boardman, OH and inspection as well as a wood destroying organisms’ inspection in our standard home inspections.  However, these services can be requested separately should there be concerns about mold or termites.  Furthermore, we offer radon testing in Boardman, OH services as well.  Here is some additional information about these:

  • Home inspections – we use the latest technologies and tools to inspect a home from the roof down the foundation including the structure, systems, and other components of the property.

  • Mold inspections/testing – we examine your home for the presence of dampness or moisture which is the ideal breeding ground for mold.  We’ll also take samples for a lab analysis as well.

  • Radon inspection/testing – radon gas occurs naturally in our environment.  However, radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer deaths here in the US.  We can test for radon in as little as 48 hours and provide a detailed report.

  • WDO inspection – northeast Ohio is the home to several wood destroying insects such as carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, and termites.  These organisms can turn the wood frame of your home into their personal food source if not detected soon enough by Clark Contract Inspection.

If additional inspection and testing is required, we’ll inform you of your options so you are able to make a well-informed decision about the purchase of sale of a home. If there are repairs needed, you can negotiate with the seller or if the house is in good condition, you know you have made a good investment.

Clark Contract Inspection is dedicated to offering a seamless process for home buyers and sellers as well as investors and real estate agents.  By providing a superior level of inspection and testing services, we will meet or exceed your expectations.  For more information about our services, please contact us today. We serve the following zip codes and more: 44511, 44512, 44513, and 44514.




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