Why is Fall the Best Time to Schedule a Home Inspection?

The catchphrase for just about every real estate agent and broker is “location, location, location.”  In many instances, spring is the ideal season for house hunting because the flowers are in bloom, the grass is greening up again, and the kids are getting excited about summer vacation.  However, the smart home shopper knows that these three factors lead to a simple truth – if you want to find the best deal on a home, set up your shopping agenda and schedule home inspections in the fall.

In the real estate industry, the best time to go out and explore the housing market is when the days are cooling off and the leaves are dropping, or in fall.  We all know that Black Friday is the consummate shopping holiday of the year and everyone is ready to do battle with their fellow shoppers over an item that may be in short supply. But why would you want to endure that misery, especially when everyone and their uncle are shopping at those day-after-Christmas clearance sales?

Fall vs. Springtime

When the winter ice and snow have pretty much melted away, and it’s time to start spending time outdoors, people start thinking about buying a home.  Additionally, if they have children, summer is the ideal time to move because it won’t disrupt their school routines.  Consequently, people who do their house shopping in fall and winter tend to be more concerned about the best value for their investment and not “deals.”  While there won’t be as many homes to look at, there won’t be that much competition.  Furthermore, banks and realtors will be more willing to work in your favor at this time. Thus, it will help you too.

The Focus is on Efficiency

Efficiency is a primary requirement nowadays where inspections and buying a home are concerned. Whether you’re a proponent of all the climate change hype or not, you need to pay attention to the efficiency factor. Your wallet doesn’t care what you believe in or your political persuasion. Thermography equipment used in home inspections can detect where insulation is needed or if you need to replace some of your windows.  The key here is catching these repair issues in the fall will open up your schedule in spring for home shopping.

Although spring is considered the traditional time for house shopping, fall is the time you want to have your home inspected whether you're building a new home or shopping for a previously-owned one.  Our business representatives are available for your assistance so for more information regarding home inspections, contact Clark Contract Inspection today at (309) 489-7224. Call us now!

Anthony Clark